Friday, January 9, 2009


Now I am going to start this post on a positive note. The winter this far, in my opinion, has been pretty mild. That is saying a lot coming from me. It seems like it has snowed a lot but it has never been during the time that I have to drive in it so I can easily ignore it. But there was one REALLY cold week and now this week it is back in the 40's during the day. I NEVER though I would say this but that is warm when compared to the 4 degree weather I had to walk in to my classes when I was in school. I am not going to say that it won't get that cold this year but I am pleasantly surprised it hasn't yet.

The only problem with this "warm" weather during the day is that it still reaches freezing temperatures overnight. This results in snow and ice melting then refreezing at night. Well jsut when I thought I could handle another snowy winter, since the last couple days had been warmer and there was no snow, I was convinced otherwise.

Where I live my garage is unattached and next to it are 3 unplowed parking spots and my garage is on the end of 5 garages...right where the water melts off the roof onto the street. As I was walking out to my car the other night (on my way to the gym which should bring some kind of good karma) I was walking very carefully as it was dark and where the three parking spots are is very snowy/icy. As I was walking I stepped off of the pile of compacted snow onto what I thought was normal street and before I knew it (actually I don't even remember making the step) the top back of my head slammed into the ground and by my head I mean no other part of my body touched the ground before my head! Literally!

Even the guy in this video broke his fall a little with his hands and butt...not me! So imagine it twice as bad and my feet totally up in the air.

IT HURT! I though I might die for a second then I got up, since I was in the street and did not want to get run over by a car also. But I stood there for a second and contemplated whether or not I was going to die or if it was okay to still drive to the gym...well needless to say I am dedicated, so I got in my car after possibly suffering a head injury and drove to the gym (I think the decision to do that without waiting for a few minutes was probably due to my head injury.) But to my credit I was not dizzy at all and I did not have blurred vision. My head just was also numb, all at the same time. Luckily one of my neighbors got a picture:

Okay so thats not me (I am not as hairy.) Well like any smart person, when I got to the gym (since I didn't think it was a good idea to talk on my phone while driving with a possible head injury, people must do it all the time here) I called a medical professional. My Mom. I just needed to make sure there was not some secret head injury that the symptoms were my head felt numb after but otherwise I felt fine (it just slammed against the ground so hard I didn't see how I could be fine:). I came to the conclusion after talking to her and my trainer (who said it was up to me if I thought I could work out) I decided I could do it. So I did (it was not easy and I actually had to take tons of breaks, I was definitely affected) but I am okay, my head is still a little sore and my neck is more sore but I am positive I will recover with no lasting brain damage. This has solidified my goal to not live where it snows. I cannot have a snowy winter every year for the rest of my life I think I would rather poke pencils in my eyes. So this is my advice if you live or are visiting the snow. Don't go ice skating on the ice unless you have ice skates on and are at a skating rink.

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